There are probably ten million people online, looking for downloads at any given time. Of course, a lot of them might be looking for porn or free software, but still, reaching a minimum of a million people on any given day offers some pretty intriguing possibilities. People like to use file services to download music for two simple reasons: they are free, and there is an incredible selection. The fact is, Pandora's box has been opened. In the wake of Napster, other quasi-legal services quickly emerged ... many of them. Even if they are closed, others will succeed them. The major record companies would like to think otherwise, but they will never stop sharing files. Network users share files ... plain and simple. Long before the Internet existed, people made cassette tapes of their favorite music for their friends… CD recorders are much easier and faster. So how can you use this to help with your viral marketing campaign? Think about this. Once someone downloads your MP3 files and...
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